On October 19th 2013, The Drift hosted Hatch Arts Collective's Driftless, a short play written by Paul Kruse, directed by Adil Mansoor, and produced by Nicole Shero. Performances were held at the waterfront of the Allegheny river on Herr's Island.

Driftless is a love poem to the Marcellus Shale of Western Pennsylvania. The play depicts encounters between environmental activists and the industry surrounding hydraulic fracturing. Mixing real accounts of the fracking debate with US tax code, a Roman Catholic Mass, the writings of Plutarch, and corporate literature, Driftless enters and fills the cracks of a complicated conversation.

Special thanks to Percolate Creative Laboratory, Brooke Smokelin, Rick Brown, Three Rivers Rowing Association, Zoe Mizuho, and The Sprout Fund.

For more information about the Hatch Arts Collective please visit www.hatcharts.org/